WebKit Modules
WebKit modules enhance the HTML, CSS, JS experience by providing new APIs that allows developers to interact with interesting features, often provided by the operating system, in a secure way.
The source code for the Modules can be found here.
Module | Description |
airplay | |
applepay | |
applepay-ams-ui | |
applicationmanifest | |
async-clipboard | |
beacon | |
cache | |
compression | Compression Streams provides an async JS api to compress and decompress common data formats (gzip, deflate, and deflate-raw). |
contact-picker | |
cookie-consent | |
credentialmanagement | |
encryptedmedia | |
entriesapi | |
fetch | |
filesystemaccess | |
gamepad | Provides a low level interface to represent gamepad devices. |
geolocation | |
highlight | |
indexeddb | A NoSQL database that allows long term storage of large amounts of data. |
mediacapabilities | |
mediacontrols | |
mediarecorder | |
mediasession | |
mediasource | |
mediastream | |
model-element | |
modern-media-controls | |
notifications | |
paymentrequest | |
pdfjs-extras | PDFJS provides rendering PDF documents using JavaScript replacing the native PDF renderer. |
permissions | |
pictureinpicture | |
plugins | |
push-api | |
remoteplayback | |
reporting | |
speech | |
storage | |
streams | |
system-preview | |
web-locks | |
webaudio | |
webauthn | |
webcodecs | |
webdatabase | |
webdriver | |
websockets | |
webxr | |
WebGPU |